Wednesday, March 21, 2012

He is good..

So it turns out his little "I nee new shoes" trick works for other stuff, and he knows it. I was in the toothpaste aisle. He asked for a new toothbrush, but I bought a 5 pack last week for him so I said no. He started crying saying his teef would fall out because he no brush teef!!

Yes, he got a toothbrush, but only because there was someone else in the aisle giving me the evil eye.

Monday, March 12, 2012

can I soak him in bleach?

ugh. So, bryce was playing in the sink earlier. He said he was giving his "guys" (toys) a bath. didn't think anything of it, the sink was running, he brought soap out so I could dispense it. All kinda normal. He came out with a towel drying the guys, and shirtless. He informed me it was in bathroom and soaked. Again, no biggie. I just went in bathroom. The floor is soaked, the stool is by toilet, and the thing that scares me the worst- the plunger is soaked and by sink. Do I wake him up to bath him now or hope the soap I dispensed was enough to fix whatever he did and that is was dispensed after his plunger play time??

New shoes again?

It has been a few weeks without a cry for shoes. It has been nice. It ended today. While walking through the store it starts. "i need shoes." no you don't. "my feet hurt" no they don't. I NEED shoes!! Dees no fit!!" Yes they do. they are new. Normally, this keeps going until I am so embarrassed by looks I am getting by people concerned about my poor baby's feet. Luckily, the store was almost empty, the one woman behind me was laughing, so I new it was safe. HA! I won this battle.

Then I had to explain why I wasn't buying his imaginary friend a toy as well as him. Same lady- completely ROFL. Then she came up and said, "good luck"


Saturday, February 18, 2012

It is like he read my mind.

He really wanted to play chase. I really didn't. I tickled him and said in a minute. Then I hear a giggle and a yell from couch, "mommy, I have your book!"
And we played chase, until my book was safe.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Well, he gets it.

I spent the morning warning him when we went to Target, he will not get a toy. I explained that toys cost money, and we can't spend that money everyday on toys.

I pick him up from school, he gets in car and says, "mommy, you have money?"
"yes, sweetie, a little."
"like 5, 10, 16?"
"Kind of"
"daddy have a little too?"
"a little, yes"
"yay!! I can have toy!"


Friday, February 10, 2012

How tall am i

Bryce found my tape measure. He pulled it out, measured his dad. Then looked at him and said, "um, your old."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sorry world, sorry.

Bryce and I were playing memory. He kept telling me the phone and monkey match. After trying to convince him thy do not- he pointed out the phone had a tiny picture of the monkey on it. He wins. This is not looking good for my future, or his teachers.